Tuesday, April 27, 2010

54. Pregnancy with Claire Book

I have finally completed my pregnancy with Claire photo book (#54).  I took a belly photo of myself (using my tripod) every week for my entire pregnancy and blogged about how I felt each week:  http://oursecondlittleone.blogspot.com/.  As with my pregnancy with Natalie blog, I converted my blog posts and belly photos into a photo book as a keepsake.  Some day I'll give it to Claire.  I'm so glad to have this done.  I had been dealing with problems with the on-line program that the company finally fixed after months of going back and forth on emails. 

I've also started doing 50 crunches each night (#76) since starting this blog.  I'm also working on completing the 30 Day Shred (#72).  I haven't been able to do it every day in a row but I'm aiming more at completing 30 days of it within a month and half to accomodate having 2 children.  Both of these will help me get closer to getting back to my pre-pregnancy weight (#28) which I'm almost at (only 10 lbs to go).

1 comment:

  1. woohoo! I like this idea, I may steal it in the future.
